Monday 25 January 2016

Valentines Day Date Ideas

 Hello loves,

So valentines day is soon approaching so i'm going to tell you a few different date ideas you can do with your loved one from fairly cheap dates to more expensive dates outs.

1. Baking Valentines day treats - Why not get baking on valentines day and enjoy making valentines cookies, cakes and treats. This is a great laugh and in the end you have some tasty treats for the both of you to enjoy. This would be perfect for you and your friends to do if you don't have a date for valentines day but still want to have just as much fun!

2. Meal out - This is definitely what I will be doing this year, get dressed up all fancy and go to a nice restaurant for a lovely meal and drinks out. This doesn't have to be too expensive depending out what restaurant you want to go to. P.S make sure you getting booking a table as some tables go fast for valentines day.

3. Movie night in - This is a cheap option but is still such a fun idea, Why not make a fort out of blankets and pillows and add fairy nights around it to make it extra romantic and cosy. Put on Netflix and get some snacks for an indoor picnic. Such a cute and inexpensive date idea.

4. Weekend Away - If you want to make Valentines day extra special and you've got the money to why not go away for the weekend or just book a hotel for the night as a little romantic get away. It doeskin have to be abroad, Just book a nice hotel, go for a meal out in the evening then the next day you can go shopping or explore the area you are staying in.

5. Reenact your first date - This is a great idea, Book to go to the same restaurant you first went to and reenact your date, this is great as you can laugh at each other about the date and how awkward you were when you first started to date.

6. Stay in meal - Copy no.2 But instead stay in and cook a meal together. Plan out what meals you want a cook a 3 course meal together, put some candles on and get dressed up still but in the comfort of your own home.

I hope this has helped you if you were stuck on what to do for Valentines day. Even if you don't have a lot of money to spend you can still make the day special and exciting for the both of you.

Love Meg xo


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